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Re-Grid Technology
März 11, 2025

Reinforcing Network Rail’s Critical Infrastructure with Re-Grid Technology

In the world of infrastructure, safety and longevity are paramount—especially when it comes to critical assets like rail networks. At Structural Repairs, we recently completed a complex yet highly effective reinforcement project using our advanced Re-Grid Carbon Fibre technology on RAAC (Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) planks for Network Rail. The results were outstanding, offering both cost savings and minimal disruptions. But the benefits of Re-Grid don’t stop there. This innovative solution is also ideal for the many schools, hospitals, and other buildings that have been closed due to RAAC concerns, providing a cost-effective and reliable path to reopening these essential facilities safely. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at how we achieved this and why Re-Grid is a game-changer for all buildings with RAAC.

1. Unmatched Strength with Re-Grid Technology

Our approach involved applying a specially formulated epoxy resin to the Re-Grid, which was then installed on RAAC planks. The open grid design of Re-Grid allows for a visible end-to-end mechanical bond, ensuring maximum adhesion and strength.

  •  Strength Tested: In controlled tests, Re-Grid demonstrated an ability to increase the strength of RAAC planks by over 14 times.
  • Pre-Installation Scanning: Before installation, we scanned all RAAC planks to assess their condition and understand the existing reinforcement layout, ensuring a tailored and precise application of Re-Grid.

2. Overcoming Complexity: Expert Planning and Execution

RAAC Concrete Repair Solutions Structural Repairs x

This project wasn’t just about strength—it was about precision. The existing infrastructure required temporary support throughout the installation. Given the complexity of the layout, our team performed on-site splicing of Re-Grid to accommodate intricate structural requirements without compromising performance.

  • Temporary Supports: Critical systems were meticulously supported to ensure safety and continuity of operations.
  • Seamless Integration: Our team’s ability to adapt Re-Grid to the existing conditions minimized risks and ensured flawless integration.

3. Maintaining Full Functionality During Repairs

RAAC Concrete ReGrid Installation Team on Critical Infrastructure xKeeping Network Rail’s facilities operational during the repair was a top priority. Through meticulous planning and detailed design, we ensured that all rooms remained fully functional throughout the installation process.

  • Protection Measures: All sensitive infrastructure was carefully protected to prevent any damage or downtime.
  • Efficient Execution: Our phased approach allowed us to complete the repairs without interrupting day-to-day operations.

4. Tackling Access Challenges Head-On

Access posed a significant challenge due to the complexity of the site and the need for temporary supports during the works. However, thanks to our extensive planning and expert team, we navigated these challenges smoothly.

RAAC Concrete Repairs x

  • No Surprises: Detailed site surveys and planning meant that there were no unexpected issues during installation.
  • Custom Access Solutions: Temporary supports and custom access pathways were established to streamline the process.

5. Long-Term Benefits: Cost Savings and Durability

The reinforcement provided by Re-Grid is designed to extend the life of Network Rail’s infrastructure for many years to come. Beyond the immediate structural benefits, this solution offers substantial cost savings by preventing the need for complete replacements.

  • Standards Compliance: All repairs were executed to the high standards required by Network Rail, ensuring safety and longevity.
  • Minimal Disruptions: Strategic planning allowed us to deliver the project with minimal impact on daily operations.

6. Expanding Re-Grid Applications: Ideal for Schools, Hospitals, and More

The success of this project highlights the potential for Re-Grid to reinforce RAAC in various types of buildings, not just critical rail infrastructure. This solution is perfectly suited for the many schools, hospitals, and other public buildings that have been closed due to RAAC concerns.RAAC Concrete Reinforcement Repair Solution for schools and and hospitals x

  • Versatility: Re-Grid’s adaptability makes it suitable for any building with RAAC components, offering a fast, non-intrusive, and cost-effective solution.
  • Reopening Closed Facilities: By reinforcing existing RAAC planks, Re-Grid can help reopen closed schools and hospitals quickly and safely.
  • Ongoing Maintenance: To maximize longevity, we recommend annual inspections to monitor and maintain the reinforced planks.

7. Capturing the Process: Photos and Evidence

We will be uploading a series of before-and-after photos to showcase the effectiveness of the Re-Grid solution. These images will highlight the transformation and the precision of our work.

If you manage schools, hospitals, or any buildings with RAAC components, don’t wait for structural issues to escalate. Our Re-Grid Carbon Fibre solution offers an immediate, cost-effective way to reinforce and extend the life of your buildings without major disruptions.

Contact us today to discuss your requirements and schedule a consultation. Our team is ready to bring the same precision and expertise to your projects.

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