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Concrete Maintenance and Repair

8 November 2024
Das verborgene Leben von Gebäuden: Structural Surveys und proaktive Instandhaltung verstehen
Hinter jeder Fassade verbirgt sich eine unerzählte Geschichte der baulichen Entwicklung. Von hoch aufragenden Wassertanks, die unsere Gemeinden versorgen, über mehrstöckige Parkhäuser, die das Gewicht...
8 November 2024
Modernes Betonscanning: Transformation der Gebäudeinspektion durch fortschrittliche Technologie
Die Kunst des Betonscannens hat sich im Laufe der Jahrzehnte bemerkenswert gewandelt und ist von einfachen zu hochentwickelten Methoden übergegangen. Traditionelle Ansätze beruhten auf Klopftests...
7 November 2024
Die ökologischen und wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen von Strukturreparaturen und Konservierung
Die modernen Baupraktiken unterliegen einem grundlegenden Wandel in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit und Erhaltung. Der traditionelle Ansatz des Abrisses und Wiederaufbaus wird zunehmend durch innovative strukturelle Reparaturlösungen...
4 November 2024
Erkennung von Betonabplatzungen: Moderne Methoden zur Erkennung von abblätterndem Konstruktionsbeton
Jedes Gebäude erzählt eine Geschichte – durch das Geflüster von Abplatzungen, Haarrissen und subtilen Flecken, die nur Experten wirklich lesen können. Der abgeplatzte Beton an...
22 August 2024
The Ultimate Guide to Marine Piling and Pile Protection: Innovative Solutions for Longevity and Durability
In the challenging realm of marine construction and piling, safeguarding piles is not just crucial—it is imperative for the endurance and security of structures battling...
20 August 2024
Revolutionising Foundations: Structural Repairs’ Screw Pile Triumph in Challenging Terrain
When faced with difficult ground conditions, innovative foundation solutions become crucial. At Structural Repairs, we consistently demonstrate our expertise in tackling complex challenges across various...
19 August 2024
Abblätternder Beton: Die stille Bedrohung der strukturellen Integrität und Sicherheit
Abblätternder Beton ist ein allgegenwärtiges Problem, das Bauwerke auf der ganzen Welt plagt. Oft lauert es unter der Oberfläche, bis es zu einem sichtbaren und...
4 September 2023
5 Reasons Choose Screw Piles are better than Concrete Underpinning.
When it comes to the construction and foundation of a building, there are a variety of different materials and methods that can be used to...
3 September 2023
RAAC Concrete – Why Has This Happened?
The Unseen Danger of RAAC Concrete in UK Schools and Hospitals: A Call to Immediate Action Introduction Danger of RAAC Concrete – The United Kingdom...
3 September 2023
Is The Concrete RAAC in Your Building – What Next?
Concerned About RAAC Concrete in Your Building? Here’s How Structural Repairs Can Help Introduction Safety should never be taken lightly, especially when it comes to...
3 September 2023
RAAC Concrete: The Future… Is There One?
RAAC Concrete: The Future with Carbon Fibre Wrapping and Ground-breaking Resin Injection Techniques Introduction Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) is a construction material with a...
1 Mai 2023
Is Spaghetti Junction falling down?
Concrete deterioration at Spaghetti Junction in Birmingham. Spaghetti Junction, also known as Gravelly Hill Interchange, is a major motorway intersection in Birmingham, United Kingdom. It...
23 April 2023
Screwpiles – The Ultimate Solution for Subsidence
Why are Screwpiles the ultimate solution for commercial warehouse subsidence? If you own a commercial warehouse, you know how important it is to maintain its...
23 April 2023
Concrete Scanning London – The Specialists
Concrete Scanning London Structural Repairs are on a mission. They have been concrete scanning London. Concrete is a vital material widely used in construction projects...
19 April 2023
Concrete Car Park Collapse – Poor Concrete Management
What has caused a concrete car park collapse in New York City? A multi-storey concrete car park in Manhattan’s Financial District partially collapsed, resulting in...
16 April 2023
Structural Repairs Love Scanning Recycled Concrete
Scanning Recycled Concrete? Why is scanning becoming more important? This newly constructed bridge structure is made from recycled concrete so scanning these assets is a...
2 April 2023
How safe is your concrete balcony?
Your concrete balcony is prone to delamination so the Structural Repair team what to ask… How safe is your concrete balcony? What is delamination? Concrete delamination...
2 April 2023
Concrete Underpinning is the saviour of subsidence versus structure…
Concrete underpinning is a common method used to repair subsidence, a condition in which a building or structure begins to sink or settle due to...
2 April 2023
Introducing the “Birth Certificate” for Concrete
Introducing the “Birth Certificate” for Concrete: Improving Quality Control and Sustainability in the Construction Industry Introducing the “Birth Certificate” for Concrete is a thought that...
7 März 2023
Brightons Concrete Balconies and the BBC
“Worth our salt” – Structural Repairs and BBC News back on the concrete balconies of Brighton. Structural Repairs were recently invited to to take a...
7 März 2023
“Ticking time bomb and chocolate aeros”
It isn’t often that concrete makes headline news but there’s clearly something in the water… Or maybe in this case…there’s water in the something? Namely...
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